Sunday, December 29, 2019

Social Media And Its Impact On Society Essay - 958 Words

One of the biggest benefits attributed to social media is, the opportunity to have a â€Å"voice† and create and audience of users with the same characteristics and interest, this is a great opportunity to those who would like to become a leader to some movement or idealism. Every day we see young people taking social media to denounce social issues. For example the â€Å"#BlackLivesMatter† movement, this movement was initiated in the internet to protest against brutality among black and colored men and women; or â€Å"The NOH8 campaign† which mission was to promote LGBT marriage, gender and human equality. On the other hand social media is constantly used for the wrong purposes, one of those purpose is to harass, and attack certain group of people or a certain person. Cyberbullying is has turn into a common word among today’s mid schoolers and high schooler. According to some research Pre-adolescents and adolescents tend to be a target to cyberbullying. A s reported by to young studies Australia December 2004 article â€Å"Cyber-bullying Common among students† wrote by Sheila Alison, explains how experts conclude that cyber bullying is potentially more destructive than face to face bullying because it could reach a large audience and remove the safety factor of being at home(Alison, Sheila). Is important to remark that some of this cyberbullying event aren’t reported to authority or parents of the victims due to the fact that most of it occur online, only when something major happens is whenShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Social Media On Society Essay917 Words   |  4 PagesHave you thought about the impact that social media has on society? Today I would like to address the impact of social media on society for those of you that are social media users and this includes the advantages or disadvantages that as associated with it. In this speech, I want to relate to you how social media is being used by social media users. Social media has forever changed the way society works, whether it’s the sharing of an idea, the communication of news, or the availability of productsRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1742 Words   |  7 PagesSocial media has gained immense popularity, following increased access to the internet and technology devices including smart phones. Social media is used to denote platforms in which people build and share social connections; thus enhancing information sharing and interaction. Major examples include Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and Instagram. Through social media, people can connect, interact and exchange information such as pictures, videos and other digital media byRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1420 Words   |  6 PagesSocial media as we know has changed. Now instead of messaging we are able to video chat, and instead of not knowing where someone is now we are able to see there locations and where they live. 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Garreau brings up possible dangers, minor inconveniences, and what truly defines a friend in the new media world we live in. I felt Garreau came across as jaded by most of the interviews he conducted. He did not seem to speak with a wide array of people that gave positive impacts social media can have, but rather focused on the negatives of the subject. Garreau did bring up valid points, however, from personal safety to the aspect of differentRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1560 Words   |  7 Pageswaiting for their next high, society has become more and more dependent on social media. One must realize, while the use of social media in today’s society is a necessity due to the fast-paced environment that has been created, it can never fully replace the value received from personal interaction with others. The short film titled, The Library Book, perfectly illustrates this as the characters within the film learn to assimilate in a society dominated by social media. 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Nowadays, the quote has been translated to fit the modern times, â€Å"everyone will be famous for 15mb†. The quote being changed to that says a lot about the times that we are going through right now, whichRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1224 Words   |  5 Pages Social media is a variety of platforms provided to the public as a medium for expression and communication. Seemingly, social media could be viewed as a positive contribution to society, but one must consider the underlying effects of society. Many of us don’t take into account the role that social media plays in the way we perceive things, think, and live our lives. Social media plays a critical part in societal norms. â€Å"Social norms are rules of conduct that governs interactions among individualsRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pages What it Means to be Black In 2016, society is at a place where people are able to discover tons of information at the touch of a finger; this indeed can impact on how we view common things in society, such as identity. This statement holds true for â€Å"blacks† or African Americans as well. The stigma that comes with being black has been around for centuries; however, many blacks are using social media to combat negativity. In an era predicated on the use of the internet, black people have proven to

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hemingways Love Life Rough Draft Essay - 1034 Words

Throughout his years, various women had walked into the famous writer Ernest Hemingway’s life. Yet these same women never remained with Hemingway for long and soon enough walked out on him, with the exception of his last and final wife. Thus the love life of Ernest Hemingway proved to be a complex one. However the time each woman had spent with Hemingway did not simply end with their break-ups; instead the women’s brief relationship with Hemingway served to be a great source of inspiration for the famous writer. As a result, Hemingways depiction of women in his literary works was influenced and inspired by these various women in his life. Hemingway’s first love interest who proved a successful source of inspiration was the U.S. Red†¦show more content†¦The two having met at a party of a mutual friend, Hemingway married the 29-year-old only a year after meeting one another. The new couple moved to different locations such as Paris, France so Hemingway co uld continue with this ambitious writing career; afterwards the couple moved back to the Western hemisphere with the birth of their first son, John â€Å"Bumby† Hadley Nicanor, in 1923. Hadley had continued to keep up with her husband’s strenuous and active lifestyle; Hadley eventually inspired Hemingway to write The Sun Also Rises. As explained by Miriam B. Mandel’s Journal of Modern Literature, Hemingway recounted such events with Hadley and their time together in the book: â€Å"Hadley accompanied Ernest to the bullfights in the summers... The boy with the wine, the drunk Civil Guards, the lost tickets, and the detail of Hadley and the bull’s ear are all biographically accurate. Unlike Brett Ashley, Hadley kept the bull’s ear given to her.† Hemingway soon had an affair with fashion owner Pauline Pfeiffer in 1924, which led to the divorce with Hadley two years later. However before leaving Hemingway’s life forever, Hadley became an inspiration again for Hemingway for Death in the Afternoon which was written after the he had married Pfeiffer. His â€Å"description of Hadley is affectionate and admiring†, as noted again by Mandel. (Journal of Modern Literature, JSTOR) Having divorcedShow MoreRelatedFor Whom the Bell Tolls Critical Analysis1544 Words   |  7 Pagesseems like a word or two are missing. This essay puts the ROUGH in rough draft... For Whom the Bell Tolls Critical Analysis In 1937, Ernest Hemingway traveled to Spain. This experience inspired him to write For Whom the Bell Tolls. For Whom the Bell Tolls is a novel about the Spanish Civil War during May 1937 at Segovia. During this time, an American citizen volunteers to help the Spanish Republicans against the fascists because for his love of Spain and its people. However, if Robert Jordan trulyRead MoreSharon Construction7271 Words   |  30 Pageswith peer review. For this assignment, half the class is assigned one case and half the class is assigned another. Students write a draft analysis of their case and exchange it with another class member who has been assigned the other case. Each student will review their classmate’s work according to a furnished guideline, return it to them, and receive their draft back. After making revisions, the final product will be submitted to the GTA. (See the subtopic on Revision and Feedback: Peer Review

Friday, December 13, 2019

A Response to Richard Brookheiser’s “All Junk, All the Time” Free Essays

Richard Brookheiser throws every single indictment that he can think of at the institution of rock music. It is obvious that Brookheiser is writing merely to vent his personal feelings: he has no intention of learning more about the music that he has chosen to criticize so roundly. It is unfortunate for him, since if he had decided to actually listen to some rock music with an open mind, he would have been certain to hear some music that he would have liked. We will write a custom essay sample on A Response to Richard Brookheiser’s â€Å"All Junk, All the Time† or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first criticism that Brookheiser (1996) makes is that rock appeals to the masses, even to megachurches. That, in itself, is not a bad thing to be entirely honest. Music should appeal to the masses. Regardless of whether there is a variety of music that only exists for the highbrow enjoyment of the elite class, the â€Å"average† person also needs to experience the sensation that listening to music can bring to a person. Music needs to â€Å"speak† to the person that listens to it, to have relevance to that listener, and perhaps even reflect the events in his or her life. If rock appeals to the masses, it’s because most of its listeners understand the artist when the pain of rejected or unrequited love leads the artist to sing about the â€Å"first cut† being â€Å"deepest† or the sense of loss â€Å"counting the steps† of a retreating lover. Opera, after all, has the same theme, only it’s shouted at the top of one’s voice and in another language. Brookheiser (1996) also criticizes rock music for having â€Å"E Z 2 Play musical instruments† (p. 1), equaled by the apparent ease of the lyrics. Once again, he misses the point. Clearly, Brookheiser has not listened to enough rock music to appreciate the harpsichord used by the Beatles, the saxophone used by Billy Joel, or the experimental music used by more artists than it is possible to count. Rock music is about pushing the boundaries of acceptable sound. While much of the music can be played on the guitar, it is never about playing it â€Å"safe. † Appreciate it or not, both the original and the remake of â€Å"Funky Town† make a statement with their electronic music–try that on the guitar! Neither are the vocals as simplistic as Brookheiser would make out. For every song with the simplicity of Natasha Bedingfield’s â€Å"Unwritten,† another song exists with the artistry of Celine Dion’s vocal riffs that makes the listener sit up and listen. Even more so, Brookheiser should listen to the sentiments expressed by those apparently simple or mumbled lyrics. Even those without artistry purposefully state the writer’s hopes, fears, or social concerns. If Brookheiser feels that rock music fails as a memory marker because it is â€Å"crude and blank† (p. 1), obviously he has not been listening to the â€Å"right† kind of rock. â€Å"Rock† music is a genre that spans many areas, as he so rightfully points out. Snap some easy listening or oldies into the DVD player and even Brookheiser is likely to find music that he feels appropriate to mark even his most special memories. All he has to do is to listen with an open mind and a whole new world will open up for him. Not every person is going to like every kind of music, or even every subgenre of every kind of music. Many people might know of country music, but not as many even know about its Cajun cousin, zydeco, let alone appreciate it. That lack of appreciation does not make zydeco any less of a valuable resource for the culture that produces it; rather, it speaks even more loudly to those who understand what it is trying to say. Virtually every generation of parent has said, â€Å"in my day, music meant something! † Yet even as we age and listen to the music that we once felt was so radical, it turns into something safe and familiar, associated with our youth. The television series, The Simpsons, did an episode in which the rock song â€Å"In the Garden of Eden†. Richard Brookheiser ends his essay with the statement, â€Å"It’s Bottom 40, all junk, all the time. And it’s here to stay† (2). Sadly enough for him: he’s right–and thank Heaven for it! Reference Brookheiser, R. (1996). All junk, all the time.   National Review.   Retrieved 23 July 2007 from How to cite A Response to Richard Brookheiser’s â€Å"All Junk, All the Time†, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Australian Corporations Law

Question: Write a brief explanation about why the directors duty to prevent insolvent trading exists and the circumstances and consequences of the veil of incorporation being lifted for insolvent trading.(Do not just repeat the words of the relevant sections in the Corporations Act).From what you know of OHS Solutions predicament, DISCUSS whether any of the directors may be about to breach or have already breached the duty to prevent insolvent trading. (In order to do this you will need to compare what is happening in OHS Solutions case with other precedent cases and refer to the relevant sections in the Corporations Act.) What will you advise Ying? Answer: In modern times, it is required that the directors should be made more responsible for the acts of the companies controlled by them. For example in case a company is allowed by its directors to incur a debt while it is suspected or any other reasonable person under similar circumstances would have suspected it to be insolvent, the Corporations Act, 2001 (Cth) provides in its section 588 that in such a case the director may have to compensate the company and ultimately the creditor of the company on orders of the court in case of the loss of the creditors. The reason is that in such a case it is considered that it was the fault of the director that the company was able to incur a debt when it was not in a position to repay the debt and at the same time, it was the responsibility of the directors of the company to prevent it from incurring the debt. In this way, the applicable provisions of Corporations Act provide that the directors should not be allowed to incur debts recklessly which cannot be repaid by the company later on and in this way, avoid their personal liability by hiding behind the corporate veil.These provisions can be applied if the debts have been incurred intentionally and at the same time if the director has been negligent in its duty to keep aware of company's financial position at the time of incurring the debt and when the director did not act to stop the company. It is the responsibility of the directors of the company to prevent it from incurring a debt when the company is insolvent or reasonable grounds are there to suspect that it may not be insolvent at the time of incurring the debt. In this way, this duty of the directors is called duty to prevent insolvent trading. This duty has also been incorporated in the Corporations Act and can be found in section 588G in this regard, it needs to be noted that this duty applies to all the directors including any alternative director that has been appointed by the duly appointed director of the company as well as the persons acting as company's directors. At the same time, duty to prevent insolvent trading is also applicable in case of a person who may not be validly or formally appointed as its director but when such person has been acting as company's director. In the same way, duty to prevent insolvent trading is also applicable in case of the persons generally from whom the directors of the com pany take instructions.At the same time, shadow directors and de facto directors are also considered as the directors of the company according to the definition of director as mentioned in section 9 of the Act.At the same time, the earlier defense of silent directors has also been removed now that is in accordance with the current trend. The courts have also verified on several occasions that there are some responsibilities related with the position of director. These responsibilities include the duty of the directors to keep an eye on the financial position of the company as well as on its solvency.Similarly directors should also keep an eye on the debts that are being incurred by the company. These responsibilities cannot be ignored by the directors of companies and if a director ignores these responses this, such a director can be held liable by the court.A number of factors are present which have to be established in case of clean related with insolvent trading. Therefore, while dealing with a claim of insolvent trading, there are certain factors that need to be decided. These include:- Company's solvency at the time when the debt was incurred. The positive duty present and part of its directors and it also needs to be seen in the directors have fulfilled these duties. If reasonable grounds are present due to which the directors should have suspected if the company was solvent or not at the relevant time. The director's liability in case of the relevant debt as well as the statutory defenses that may be used by the directors. The directors of the company have not satisfied the duty to prevent insolvent trading, if these characters have not been successful in stopping the corporation from taking the loan when the directors knew of the reasonable grounds to believe they should have suspected that the company may not solvent at the relevant time or may become insolvent very soon.[8] In such a case, the assessment that needs to be applied is that of a reasonable person.[9] Therefore, it needs to be seen if any other reasonable person under similar circumstances would have come to know regarding the grounds related with the solvency of the company.[10]The legal position in this regard is that the duty of preventing insolvent trading can be breached if a person is acting as the director; the corporation is insolvent or may become so after taking the loan; and the director should have suspected the solvency of the company at such a time. This duty is not only applicable in case of the persons who have been appoi nted formerly but also to the persons who are acting as the director of the company.[11] As a result it is important for the directors remain unaware of the financial position of their corporation and also regarding the cash flow requirements of the company regularly. At the same time, it is also important that the directors should ensure that the company maintains proper books and accounts. The directors should monitor them actively and at the same time, they should also take all reasonable steps that are necessary for keeping an eye on company's financial position. The financial position of the company should be under the consideration of the directors at all times so that the directors of the company become aware of any signs immediately related with the inability of the company to pay its debts.[12] A company can be said to be insolvent if such a company cannot pay its debts when they are due for payment. But the ability of the Company to pay its debt needs to be decided by considering the overall circumstances. Generally the cash flow test is employed for the purpose of evaluating a company's solvency. According to the cash flow test, a realistic evaluation is made of the current as well as the future cash flow. At the same time, it is also seen in case of this test if the cash flow of the company will be enough to pay present as well as the future liabilities. Similarly it also evaluates the general financial position as well as some other important commercial factors in order to decide the solvency of the company. The director of a company can be held liable in case of a claim related with insolvent trading. In the present case, OHS Solutions Pty has been established by Des, Emma and Satish as they introduced in the business various skills and abilities. While Emma has done graduation in accounting, the expertise of Des lies in occupational health and safety. At the same time, an IT degree is possessed by Satish. However after operating for six months, problems start to surface within the company. The accountant that has been hired by Emma failed to give the necessary information. At the same time, in such a case another employee could also been hired so that the financial records of OHS Solutions could have been maintained properly. In this regard, it needs to be noted that it is the duty of a director to act in a timely manner after an advice has been received by the director in this regard and at the same time, the director is also required to evaluate the fairness of the assumption which a re provided the basis for such advice.[13] When the directors of the company received an advice according to which, even if the company may not be insolvent at that time, it may become so as a result of the financial problems present before the company, it is the duty of the directors to take timely action. Such an action may include dealing with the cause that has resulted in the temporary lack of cash flow (Standard Chartered Bank of Australia Ltd v Antico, 1995). At the same time, if reasonable grounds are present for the directors of the company according to which, it is not likely that the company's financial position will improve in future or may deteriorate further, immediate steps should be taken by the directors and if they fail to do so, it may result in the breach of duty to stop insolvent trading by the company.In the same way, if the information is received by the directors according to which, the company may have become insolvent, immediate action is required by the di rectors. Such action may also include the taking of further advice from professionals like a lawyer or an accountant at the generally provide advice regarding the ways in which the financial problems of the corporation can be dealt with.[14] At the same time, by following certain principles, it is possible for the directors of companies to reduce the chances of a breach of their duties. Therefore it is important for the directors to remain aware of the financial position of the company. In the same way, it is also required that the solvency of the companies evaluated regularly by the directors. In case any concern has been identified by the directors related with the solvency of the company, it is important that immediate positive action should be taken by the director with a view to confirm the solvency of the company and at the same time, all the available options should be assessed and realistically by the director. A director is also required to take appropriate advice and then act on such advice that has been received by the director.[15]The law also provides in this regard that the director may rely upon the information given by a third party but it is required that such third party should be briefed in detail and at the same time, sufficient information should also be given to such third party by the directors so that the risk, if any, paced by the company can be properly evaluated by such party.[16] Therefore if a director knows about the financial problems of the company or reasonable grounds are present before such director on the basis of which it can be said that the corporation may not be in the position to repay its debts, it is necessary that the director takes all reasonable steps with a view to prevent the company from taking the loan. It is also required that just as taken by the director should be clear and unequivocal. For example, a director may be required to persuade other directors in writing to prevent the company from taking the loan. In this regard, the director should take appropriate advice if other directors of the company decide to allow the company to take the loan.[17] While in the past, there are two defenses available to the directors according to which, if the debt has not been incurred actively by the director or if it is not likely that action will be taken against the director by the creditors, are not available to the directors of corporations now. The directors may have to face claims of compensation from the liquidator and at the same time, civil or criminal action may also be taken against them.[18] In this regard it needs to be noted that the statutory defenses that are available to the directors of companies can be used only in case of legitimate circumstances[19]. As a result, it is important that these responsibilities should be taken seriously by the directors otherwise they may have to face liability for the breach of their duties.For example in the present case, the managing director of the company, Des has a duty to prevent the company from signing a new contract if the company is facing serious financial problems. At the same tim e, the other directors of the company have also not been able to fulfill their duty which requires them to prevent OHS Solutions from trading while being insolvent. It is also required that Satish and Ying, the other directors of the company also share this liability. The law provides in this regard that it is the duty of the silent directors also to keep an eye on the financial position of the corporation. In this case, it was important that all the directors of OHS Solution Pty Ltd should have kept an eye on the financial position of the company.At the same time, as the Finance Director of OHS Solutions, it was the duty of Emma and also the other directors of the company to prevent the company from trading while the company was insolvent. In the same way, Des was aware of the financial problems that are being faced by OHS Solutions but he had not taken any steps to deal with these problems or to prevent the company from indulging in insolvent trading. In the same way, in the prese nt case, Ying was also a director of OHS Solutions and therefore it was also the duty of Ying to remain aware of the financial position of the company and to prevent the company from indulging in insolvent trading if reasonable grounds were present to suspect that the company may not be solvent at that time. In this way, it can be said that in this case, all the directors of OHS Solutions Pty Ltd can be held liable for the breach of the duty to prevent insolvent trading.On the other hand, it is the duty of Ying as the director of OHS Solutions to prevent the company from indulging in insolvent trading. For this purpose, Ying can give a written notice to the other directors of the company, Des, Emma and Satish. In case the other directors of OHS Solutions decide that there will not stop the company from indulging in insolvent trading, Ying is required to take professional advice and stop the company from indulging in insolvent trading. References Cassidy J, (1997) Has the Sleeping Director Finally Been Laid to Rest? 25 Australian Business Law Review 102 Goldman D, (2005) Directors Beware! Creditor protection from insolvent trading 23 Company and Securities Law Journal 216 Goode R, (1998) Insolvent Trading Under English and Australian Law 16 Company and Securities Law Journal 170 Hargovan A, (2004) Geneva Finance and the Duty of Directors to Creditors: Imperfect obligation and critique 12 Insolvency Law Journal 134 Herzberg A, (1998) Why Are There So Few Insolvent Trading Cases? 6 Insolvency Law Journal 77 James P, Ramsay I and Siva P, (2004) Insolvent Trading An Empirical Study 12 Insolvency Law Journal 210 Law L, (1997) Business Judgment Rule in Australia: A reappraisal since the AWA case 15 Company and Securities Law Journal 174 Mannolini J, (1996) Creditors Interests in the Corporate Contract: A case for the reform 6 Australian Journal of Corporate Law 14 Mescher B, (1998) Company Directors Knowledge of the Insolvent Trading Provisions 6 Insolvency Law Journal 186 Mosley J, (1996) Insolvent Trading:What is a debt and when is one incurred? 4 Insolvency Law Journal 155 Sivehla J, (2006) Directors Fiduciary Duties 27 Australian Bar Review 192 Welsh M and Anderson H, (2006) Directors Personal Liability for Corporate Fault: An alternative model 26 Adelaide Law Review 29 Case Law: Clark v Perkins [2002] SASC 382 DCT v Clarke (2003) 57 NSWLR 113 Gye v McIntyre (1991) 171 CLR 609 Morley v Statewide Tobacco Services Ltd [1993] 1 VR 423 Tolcher v National Australia Bank Ltd [2003] NSWSC 207 [1] Cassidy J, (1997) Has the Sleeping Director Finally Been Laid to Rest? 25 Australian Business Law Review 102 [2] Clark v Perkins [2002] SASC 382 [3] Law L, (1997) Business Judgment Rule in Australia: A reappraisal since the AWA case 15 Company and Securities Law Journal 174 [4] James P, Ramsay I and Siva P, (2004) Insolvent Trading An Empirical Study 12 Insolvency Law Journal 210 [5] Goode R, (1998) Insolvent Trading Under English and Australian Law 16 Company and Securities Law Journal 170 [6] Mannolini J, (1996) Creditors Interests in the Corporate Contract: A case for the reform 6 Australian Journal of Corporate Law 14 [7] Goldman D, (2005) Directors Beware! Creditor protection from insolvent trading 23 Company and Securities Law Journal 216 [8] Mescher B, (1998) Company Directors Knowledge of the Insolvent Trading Provisions 6 Insolvency Law Journal 186 [9] Credit Corporation Australia Pty Ltd v Atkins, 1990 [10] Mosley J, (1996) Insolvent Trading:What is a debt and when is one incurred? 4 Insolvency Law Journal 155 [11] Morley v Statewide Tobacco Services Ltd, 1993 [12] Gye v McIntyre (1991) 171 CLR 609 [13] DCT v Clarke (2003) 57 NSWLR 113 [14] Welsh M and Anderson H, (2006) Directors Personal Liability for Corporate Fault: An alternative model 26 Adelaide Law Review 299 [15] Herzberg A, (1998) Why Are There So Few Insolvent Trading Cases? 6 Insolvency Law Journal 77 [16] Sivehla J, (2006) Directors Fiduciary Duties 27 Australian Bar Review 192 [17] Hargovan A, (2004) Geneva Finance and the Duty of Directors to Creditors: Imperfect obligation and critique 12 Insolvency Law Journal 134 [18] Goode R, (1998) Insolvent Trading Under English and Australian Law 16 Company and Securities Law Journal 170 [19] Tolcher v National Australia Bank Ltd [2003] NSWSC 207

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Censorship Essays (642 words) - Anti-pornography Feminism

Censorship Sex, Erotica, nude women, three some, these are some keywords for finding pornography on the internet. The censorship of pornography has a positive affect on the United States of America and is a good thing because pornography leads to crime, pornography has no positive affects on society, and censoring pornography is not against the constitution. Crimes and pornography have a direct and apparent link. Eighty-one percent of criminals rate pornography as their highest sexual interest ( ). This means that the clear majority of criminals love pornography and find it highly interesting, most other people probably rank other human beings as their highest sexual interest. When an adult book store is closed the crime rate in the surrounding areas falls significantly ( 188). Also It was found that child molesters have a higher probability of molesting a larger number of victims and it is likely that these offenders have some access to pornography or erotica. ( 189). Over all crime and pornography do have a link between them and that makes censoring it a positive idea for America. Pornography has no positive effect on society. The American population agrees that pornography does not serve a legitimate purpose. Seventy-two percent of Americans want some sort of crack down on pornography. Also Ninety-two percent of Americans want a crack down on child pornography because it has no value and is disgusting and against the law ( 179). Pornography was found to have little redeeming social value by artistic criteria and is close to worth less ( 218). The censoring of pornography is not against the United States Constitution. The reason why pornography is not included under the constitution is because it was demeaned by the United States Supreme court in 1973 to be lewd and obscene material ( 173). The first amendment was intended to protect political speech in America not the speech that includes the exploiting of women and photography of women being raped ( 183). The founding fathers did not intend for their bill of rights to be exploited in the ways that it is today they would have wanted us to have a safe and peaceful society. That would be one that does not include pornography. The opposition to the censoring of pornography will say that it is against the United States Constitution, which it is not. They will also say that it is censoring thoughts and ideas not actions. Lastly they will say that if you censor one thing what is there to keep you censoring other things and that will lead to the collapse of what America was built on freedom. First, there are no legitimate arguments against censorship all of the arguments are intended to frighten one into believing the way they do. The argument that the censorship of pornography is against the constitution is a false and ludicrous idea. The Supreme court did rule that it is not against the constitution to censor pornography. The censorship of pornography does not censor thought and ideas it does not say that one needs to not ever have a dirty thought or even that one can not talk about it to someone else. What it does mean is that by censoring material published in the media form we will be protection our society. Last is the most ridiculous argument of all the on that says that if you censor one thing it will cause you to censor more and more things until the there is nothing left to censor. The censorship of pornography has worked in many other countries before an it has not caused a massive increase in the censoring of other ideas what it did cause was a fall in crime rates ( 174). The one thing the opposition failed to prove was what is pornography's positive affect on society. In conclusion the censorship of pornography does not have a downside. It will decrease the crime rate, it will make America a better society, and will up hold what the founding fathers want free political speech not free speech to watch children getting raped. Current Events Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Native American Fashions

Native American Fashions Fashion trends come and go but like the little black dress some garb never goes out of style. Footwear, accessories and clothing with Native American influences have surfaced as fashion staples, cycling in and out of designer collections for decades. But is this cultural appropriation or high fashion’s attempt to salute indigenous cultures? Clothing chains such as Urban Outfitters have come under fire for labeling their goods â€Å"Navajo† with reportedly no input from the Navajo Nation. To boot, bloggers are increasingly taking to task non-Natives who wear headdresses and other indigenous apparel to play a cross-cultural game of dress up. By supporting indigenous designers and learning more about the missteps the fashion world has made in regards to Native dress, you can avoid making the ultimate fashion faux pas- cultural insensitivity. Native American Fashion Staples Cultural appropriation is probably the last thing on shoppers’ minds when they hit the mall. Many consumers have no clue they’re wearing an item that has blatantly co-opted Native American culture. The rise of boho chic has especially blurred the lines. A shopper may associate a pair of feather earrings they like with hippies and bohemians and not with Native Americans. But the feather earrings, feather hair accessories and beaded jewelry on the contemporary fashion market largely owe their inspiration to indigenous cultures. The same goes for fringe purses, vests and boots, not to mention mukluks, moccasins and Native American prints on clothing. It’s certainly not a crime to wear these fashion items. But it’s important to recognize when cultural appropriation occurs and that some of the Native apparel commodified don’t just have cultural significance but also spiritual significance in Native American communities. The leather fringe purse you’re crazy about may look great with your new outfit, but it’s actually modeled after a medicine bag, which has religious importance in indigenous cultures. You might also consider researching the manufacturers who peddle apparel with Native American influences. Are Native American designers employed by the company? Does the business do anything to give back to indigenous communities? Playing Dress Up as an Indian While countless consumers will inadvertently buy products inspired by indigenous cultures, some will make a conscious decision to appropriate Native dress. This is a misstep made by trendy hipsters and high fashion magazines alike. Attending an outdoor music festival wearing a headdress, face paint, leather fringe and beaded jewelry isn’t a fashion statement but a mockery of aboriginal cultures. Just as dressing up as a Native American would be inappropriate for Halloween, it’s offensive to pile on pseudo-Native attire to get in touch with your inner hippie at a rock concert, especially when you know little about the clothing’s cultural significance. Fashion magazines such as Vogue and Glamour have been accused of cultural insensitivity by featuring fashion spreads in which white models â€Å"go primitive† by wearing Native-inspired fashions and including no Native American designers, photographers or other consultants in the process. Lisa Wade of the webs ite Sociological Images says, â€Å"These cases romanticize Indian-ness, blur separate traditions (as well as the real and the fake), and some disregard Indian spirituality. They all happily forget that, before white America decided that American Indians were cool, some whites did their absolute best to kill and sequester them. †¦So, no, it’s not cute to wear a feather in your hair or carry an Indian rug clutch, it’s thoughtless and insensitive.† Supporting Native Designers If you enjoy indigenous fashions, consider buying them directly from First Nations designers and artisans throughout North America. You can find them at Native American cultural heritage events, powwows and marketplaces. Also, academic Jessica Metcalfe runs a blog called Beyond Buckskin that features indigenous fashions, brands and designers such as Sho Sho Esquiro, Tammy Beauvais, Disa Tootoosis, Virgil Ortiz and Turquoise Soul, to name a few. Buying indigenous apparel and accessories from an artisan directly is an entirely different experience than buying Native-inspired goods from a corporation. Take Priscilla Nieto, an accomplished jewelry maker from the Santo Domingo Pueblo. She says, â€Å"We put good intentions into our work, and look forward to the person who will wear it. We do a prayer- a blessing- for the wearer of the piece, and we hope they accept this with their heart- all of the teaching from the parents and from our family.†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Investigation report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investigation report - Assignment Example I went further to investigate the reasons that could have contributed the disparity. In my investigation, I realized that two of the union members had not done any overtime work while that of the nonunion members were relatively high. The two members demonstrated a higher percentage of rejection for the period hence their inability to do any overtime work is justifiable. This means that the union leader cannot defend the positions of these two individuals. Through a discussion with the head of the department, Mr. Wilfred Kundson, I got a clue of the reasons why the parity existed. After investigating the proposition that the overtime was awarded based on seniority and productivity in line with the company’s polices, I affirmed Kundson’s views (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1). The findings show a very close relationship between the two factors and overtime. For example, Ralph Andrews, one of the oldest workers that has served the company for 35 years received less overtime as opposed to the more productive workers, apparently having served the company for only eight years and are member of the union. I established that the problem could have emanated from inadequate communication and lack of employees involvement in decision making in the organization. The union members may have thought that they are discriminated against because of their affiliation to the union, which was not the case. The work done and the seniority are the most important aspects considered as a matter of policy. However, there must have been a communication breakdown somewhere hence creating suspicion among the union affiliated employees (Queensland Government 1). The employees were not aware of how the overtime was awarded; the criterion used was unfamiliar to them. However, when they are informed of the policies of the organization as pertains the award of overtime, most of them would be comfortable. The findings also

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Your opinion about illegal immigration ( is it good or bad for the Essay

Your opinion about illegal immigration ( is it good or bad for the U.S.) - Essay Example Looking to explore immigration policies and the recent desire in the United States to allow immigrants to apply for legal immigration despite the fact that many have resided in the United States illegally for years, the following essay will argue that the United States has a duty to protect the most vulnerable citizens of the world. Accordingly, this essay will argue that the legalization of migrant workers is a positive step for the United States of America (Pew Research Center, 2009). Migration is an important issue which is gaining increasing attention in an era of economic interdependence, the movement of people across borders and the globalization phenomenon. Today, it is estimated that up to million people live in the United States illegally as undocumented workers and illegal aliens (Pew Research Center, 2009). Why do people choose to migrate from one place to another? Economic opportunity is one of the most important factors which draws people to the United States of America, the unequivocal land of opportunity. Accordingly, the decision of the Irish to immigrate to the United States during the height of the Potato Famine – it estimated that approximately 3.5 million Irishmen and women immigrated to the United States alone from 1820 to 1880 – supports some the idea that economic opportunity draws people to the United States. As a result, extreme and unfavorable conditions in Ireland paved the way for a large influx of migrants to the United St ates following economic crisis in the homeland. According to the Pew Research Center, California is the home of the largest number of undocumented workers and illegal migrants, largely as a result of the belief of opportunity in that state. Immigrants today, particularly from the poorer regions of the world, immigrate to the United States for similar reasons and their status should be legalized in order to facilitate the growth of this country, a nation of immigrants since it

Monday, November 18, 2019

Speech Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech Topic - Essay Example Hanson (2012) research explains that marijuana is a special drug that gives people the motivation to perform better. The drug has the power to boost the confidence of people and make them achieve their goals. So it acts as a good source of motivation for people who are generally shy or finding it hard to cope up at work place. The audience needs to be informed about this so that they know the wonders it can do to people in work place. Not only does it motivate people but it also makes them feel happy and contented with their life as researched by Steve (2011). The audience must be informed that marijuana does not harm any organ of the body in fact the drug has the ability to make cheer people up. The ancient Hindus used marijuana for the very purpose of cheering themselves and scientists believe that the drug contains ingredients that could make a person self-relieved and contented in pressure situations (Steve, 2011). To make a shift from informative to persuasive the speech has to be more convincing to persuade the audience in realizing that it is not only harmless but also useful to legalize marijuana. One way to do this is by giving evidence as suggested by Earleywine (2007). The cost of prohibiting marijuana alone mounts up to 8 billion US dollars each year. The government of the US has been unsuccessful in prohibiting its use and there is no record of the unnecessary money spent on it. If the government cannot stop the drug from entering the streets and consumer drug market then there is no point in placing restrictions and spending millions of dollars on it. It would be much better if people are left with the choice of consuming it as it would not only save government some fair amount of money but it would also give people their free right of choosing a product that is considered harmless when used intelligently. Furthermore it is also

Friday, November 15, 2019

Charity PESTEL Analysis and Recommendations

Charity PESTEL Analysis and Recommendations Dhreima Qatar The Volunteering in the Community Dhreima is one of the charities in Qatar. Its considered the best family of the orphans and the ideal environment for the children who are suffering from poverty in Qatar. Charity is the concept of giving. It makes the person who follows charity feels the suffering and hopelessness just like the others. The charity is pushing the person to change the situation from bad to good towards at least another persons life. Charity also gives the children a sense of happiness and satisfaction as well as inner peace. When volunteers show the impact of their charity towards the needed person, they are capable of giving by nature a sense of happiness to the charitable person. Charity has several shapes through which the person can offer the charity to another person who is in need. The objectives are the actions and aims of the charity any organization plans to achieve. Thus, each charity organization has its own objective which it tries to accomplish. For example, a charity is aiming to improve the children lives who suffer from poverty as well as saving them in the future. Therefore, the charitys objectives are to create a crisis line by building shelter or educating children about how to protect themselves and how to live by using safe ways without suffering from the poverty as well as working in good jobs. Thus, the activities of each charity should be devoted to these aims and draw the correct plans to achieve the goals. Another aim of this charity is to make the persons involved and volunteered in this work to feel the suffering and hopelessness of other children. This charity is pushing the person to change the situation into a better one to make children feel happier and safer. This charity also tries its best efforts to satisfy the children and accomplish their needs. The objectives depend on the level of children. The two main elements of this organization are adopted to guarantee the life of poor children as well as pushing them to happiness. Moreover, these organizations prepare and organize the perfect programs and activities to attract the attention of children through playing and other means of entertainment. The concept of charity is preached by all religions in the whole world. It is the way of bringing justice to society and justice is the main concept of Islam. Charity is divided in Islam into two forms; obligatory and voluntary. As a matter of fact, the voluntary part is known as Zakat and Sadaqa. Zakah, comes from the verb zaka, which means to be pure. In other words, Sadaqa refers to giving a part of ones money to help others who need help in order to secure their lives. The orphanage of Dhreima aims to integrate the Islamic system of care and shelter for the orphans into the Arab country, Qatar. This system is achieved by people who have the experience in accomplishing the satisfaction of the poor children after their suffering from poverty in their life. Charity has several shapes through which a volunteer can offer the charity to another person in need. Food charity is one of the most important charitable ways of helping others. This way can be achieved through feeding a hungry person or buying food along with offering it to a charitable organization that is responsible for feeding poor people. The other aspect of offering charity is through teaching illiterate people to learn how to read and write to help them get good jobs and improve their living conditions. Money is one of the most used aspects among people; it helps people to think about what they should give to the poor people as a kind of help. The other aspect of charity is the medical care, which is the most powerful aspect among the others because the more a person offers medicine to poor people, the more the person saves several lives and families from death. Political In fact, political events and situations could contribute in the development of Dhreima charity or lead to form obstacles that might impede the pace of work. From these obstacles are policies regarding charitable activities. In other words, volunteers, in Dhreima charity, might find themselves involved in political conflicts as many countries could impose constraints on the business of those charities as well as issues regarding financial transactions. Unfortunately, this could result in delaying work in executing programs and creating projects. Economic From the economic point of view, Dhreima charity could face problems in finding the right investors to invest their money in its projects and activities.ÂÂ   Furthermore, Dhreima might issues in balancing between the budgets and forming activities to children along with providing volunteers with the needed resources. Thats why it must start to announce its work to the public in addition to designing advertisements and commercials in different means of media to find enough money to accomplish success and development in work. It has also to find the perfect investors and business men and consider them as sources of money in order to encourage them to operate business. Social The social part could be seen in the point of view of Qatari and Arab people as who like to donate a lot of money to these charities especially orphanages. These donations dont have to take the form of money as they can take many shapes like offering their time to those children as well as giving them food. In fact, these orphanages provide people with the ability to serve God and the whole world through making children happy and achieve their needs. Technological Dhreima charity could have to deal with issues regarding technology as it might not have the perfect means of communication in order to contact its members and its investors. Another problem might be in the inability of volunteers to contact with poor orphans in the organization. Thats why Dhreima workers must do their best efforts to provide the charity with the required technological apparatuses such as computers and projectors. Legal The legal field can be determined in the fact that Dhreima must follow the guidelines and regulations stated by the Qatari government regarding charitable works and activities. Workers also have to respect these guidelines and not violate them in order not to be prone to any legal issues. Environmental The role of Dhreima is to keep the environment clean when conducting activities. It also teaches children about not polluting the environment while playing or having fun to keep the planet safe. The organization of Dheima is caring of the children who are orphans in the Qatar. This charity is progress many services which availability to them the good and safe life. Its considered the best family of the orphans and the ideal environment for the children who suffering from the poverty in Qatar. Charity is the concept of giving. It makes the person who follows charity that feels the suffering and hopelessness more the others. There is several charities which through them person can offer the charity to other person in need. Food charity is one of the most important charitable ways of helping others. This is through feeding a hungry person or buying food and offering it to a charitable organization that is responsible for feeding poor people. The other aspect of offering charity is teaching illiterate children to learn how to read and write anything to know minimum the beginning of the read and write to help them to know lives around the people after outing from this organization. Its also helping them in their future to getting good jobs and working in a good position, and also to improve their living conditions. Money is one of the most used and very important aspects among people in their future ; it helps the way of people can think what they should give to the poor people as a kind of help. The other aspect of the charity is the medical care, which is the most powerful aspect among the others because by helping in getting medicines to poor people the more the person saves several lives and families. Thus, this organization help children from their child to promotion their future and live a good life and have happiness their life. SMART recommendations for the development of the organization for which they are volunteering Strength Reputation of the charity in the state of Qatar. Number of activities and projects conducted by Dhreima orphanage. Weakness Financial problems. Finding good donators and investors. Constraints imposed by the Qatari government. Opportunities Using advertisements and commercials to attract more investors. Forming business and strong relationship with business owners and Arabs to encourage them to donate and invest their money. Threats Keeping children safe and offer them the right nutrition. Competition from other orphanages in the state of Qatar and in the whole world. Restraining of international business owners and organizations to invest their money in the activities conducted by the charity. 1 Dhreima must achieve the goal of attracting more investors in the state of Qatar to balance its budget and increase its activities. 2 The goal will be achieved by contacting ten well-known investors and will be evaluated through succeeding in getting in touch with these investors. 3 Attracting more investors who are interested in charity like owners of religious organizations to provide Dhreima with the needed resources. 4 When Dhreima manages to grab the attention of more donators, it will succeed in increasing the number of activities and projects for poor children which is the main objective of the organization. 5 This goal will be achieved within a year and the deadline will be five months from the determined period. I picked the third, fourth and fifth recommendations because Dhreima wouldnt be able to achieve its goals and policies without determining these elements. Through attracting the attention of religious organizations as they are considered the most interested organizations in the charity and voluntary work, Dhreima can be able to raise the number of projects. The time also has to be determined in order to achieve the goal perfectly and avoid the occurrence of any delay. Skills which can be developed while volunteering for such work can be: having the desire to help people and give more, dedicate time to poor children and having the ability to deal with different ages. SWOT for me as a volunteer Strength Dealing with different ages Loving charitable works Making other children happy Saving the lives of orphans and showing care to them Weakness Not being able to keep in touch with children Being shy or embarrassed when dealing with orphans for the first time Opportunities Getting encouragement from children and other volunteers to show more effort and work. Threats Not being provided with the needed resources Arousal of conflicts or fights between children or between I and the organization itself To sum up, charitable organizations are very important in any country all over the world. They provide people with the ability to serve others and offer them help. Children and orphans also feel happy when they get receive help from others. These charities also contribute in saving the countries from homelessness and poverty because they take good care of little children and protect their lives instead of letting them in streets. Thats why governmental authorities must encourage more these charities, offer them the needed resources, spread the awareness of importance of these organizations and finally attract the attention of investors and donators to invest their money in them. By following these steps, Dhreima and other orphanages will be able to offer more and give more to satisfy those kids and provide them with good care. References Anon., 2014. marhaba. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2013. marhaba. [Online] Available at: Anon., n.d. Why is charity important?. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 16 February 2017]. Hench, J., n.d. The Importance of Charity Work. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 16 February 2017]. Kordy, A., 2010. Obstacles of charity work. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 16 February 2017]. Rene, P., 2016. patimes. [Online] Available at:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

AIDS/HIV Essay -- Health, Diseases

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles and syringes, mother to child (perinatal) and contaminated blood product (National Association of Health Authorities, 1988). 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH Late HIV diagnosis remains a major problem among black Africans in England. In 2007, about 42 per cent of black Africans diagnosed with HIV were diagnosed late (HPA, 2008a). This compromises their survival chances because evidence indicates that starting treatment with a CD4 cell count below 200 copies/mm3 (a measure of the degree to which an individual’s immune system is compromised) increases the risk of disease progression and death (Gazzard, 2008). The reasons for late diagnosis among black Africans are not clear, but include persistent HIV-related stigma and discrimination (WHO, 2006). Fakoya et al. (2008) identified cultural, social and structural barriers, such as access to testing and care, fear of death and disease, lack of political will, restrictive immigration policies and lack of African representation in decision-making processes. There is a desperate need to understand the social context of the disease both in terms of the migrants' region of origin as well as in their new United Kingdom (UK) communities. The British government is yet to address the steep rise in rates of the disease among heterosexuals and a new Aids awareness campaign targeted at those most at risk of spreading it is imperative. It is a campaign that the government is reluctant to undertake because of the sensitivities around immigration, race and perceptions of neo-colonialism (Chinouya and Davidson, 2003). The prevalence of diagnosed HIV in black African and bl... ...n found that higher levels of knowledge, perception of risk, and having a friend or relative with AIDS were associated with effective behaviour change (Sambisa 2008). The notion behind personal experience or knowing someone who is infected is that for some people HIV/AIDS does not become real, or denial is preferable including denial of risk, until one witnesses someone ill or dying of AIDS. This means that trying to shift people’s perception of risk in order that they choose behaviours that are safe requires a detailed understanding of culture, context of perception, and experience of risk (Kesby, et al., 2003). This is related to the fact that ‘culture’ in its anthropological sense, is a complex interplay of meanings, action, structure, and change that exist within all social relations and in all social settings (Mayisha II Collaborative Group 2005).