Thursday, November 28, 2019

Censorship Essays (642 words) - Anti-pornography Feminism

Censorship Sex, Erotica, nude women, three some, these are some keywords for finding pornography on the internet. The censorship of pornography has a positive affect on the United States of America and is a good thing because pornography leads to crime, pornography has no positive affects on society, and censoring pornography is not against the constitution. Crimes and pornography have a direct and apparent link. Eighty-one percent of criminals rate pornography as their highest sexual interest ( ). This means that the clear majority of criminals love pornography and find it highly interesting, most other people probably rank other human beings as their highest sexual interest. When an adult book store is closed the crime rate in the surrounding areas falls significantly ( 188). Also It was found that child molesters have a higher probability of molesting a larger number of victims and it is likely that these offenders have some access to pornography or erotica. ( 189). Over all crime and pornography do have a link between them and that makes censoring it a positive idea for America. Pornography has no positive effect on society. The American population agrees that pornography does not serve a legitimate purpose. Seventy-two percent of Americans want some sort of crack down on pornography. Also Ninety-two percent of Americans want a crack down on child pornography because it has no value and is disgusting and against the law ( 179). Pornography was found to have little redeeming social value by artistic criteria and is close to worth less ( 218). The censoring of pornography is not against the United States Constitution. The reason why pornography is not included under the constitution is because it was demeaned by the United States Supreme court in 1973 to be lewd and obscene material ( 173). The first amendment was intended to protect political speech in America not the speech that includes the exploiting of women and photography of women being raped ( 183). The founding fathers did not intend for their bill of rights to be exploited in the ways that it is today they would have wanted us to have a safe and peaceful society. That would be one that does not include pornography. The opposition to the censoring of pornography will say that it is against the United States Constitution, which it is not. They will also say that it is censoring thoughts and ideas not actions. Lastly they will say that if you censor one thing what is there to keep you censoring other things and that will lead to the collapse of what America was built on freedom. First, there are no legitimate arguments against censorship all of the arguments are intended to frighten one into believing the way they do. The argument that the censorship of pornography is against the constitution is a false and ludicrous idea. The Supreme court did rule that it is not against the constitution to censor pornography. The censorship of pornography does not censor thought and ideas it does not say that one needs to not ever have a dirty thought or even that one can not talk about it to someone else. What it does mean is that by censoring material published in the media form we will be protection our society. Last is the most ridiculous argument of all the on that says that if you censor one thing it will cause you to censor more and more things until the there is nothing left to censor. The censorship of pornography has worked in many other countries before an it has not caused a massive increase in the censoring of other ideas what it did cause was a fall in crime rates ( 174). The one thing the opposition failed to prove was what is pornography's positive affect on society. In conclusion the censorship of pornography does not have a downside. It will decrease the crime rate, it will make America a better society, and will up hold what the founding fathers want free political speech not free speech to watch children getting raped. Current Events Essays

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